Monday, July 21, 2008


Step 1: I use the grid and ruler to approximate my skecthes in adobe illustrator.

Step 2 : I drew the cone of the ice cream using with stroke 4pt and pen tool.

Step 3: I pen tool and line segment tool(\) to complete my melting ice cream look like.I also use the gradient to perfect my ice melt colour which is blue in colour.

Step 4: I added the earth melt look like on the ice melting to make it look like it melt together with ice so it looks like an ice cream.I used stroker of 4pt,pen and pencil tool and gradient colour too.

Step 5: I use pencil tools to make both eyes and also the eyebrows with stroke of 4pt.I use light brown colour for the eyes and i use round shape black in colour too.

Step 5: Last step is i use pencil tool to draw the mouth.I use pen tool and i edited the whole diagram with minus pen tool and gradient just to clear the shape of my melting ice cream of earth.

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